Electrophoretic Painting
Electrophoretic painting
Electrophoretic painting is a process where a metal part is immersed in a water-based solution and an electrical current is passed through the bath for coating the part.
Epoxy powder painting
Epoxy Powder Painting is a spraying painting method in which the coating powder is applied electrostatically.BENEFITS
Electrophoretic painting
The coating’s thickness is accurately controlled with values ranging from 10 to 30 µm max. Thanks to thinner thickness the coating does not peel off when subjected to mechanical stress.
Epoxy powder painting
The coating’s thickness with values ranging from 70 to 100 µm can NOT be controlled. The higher thickness causes easy peel off coating when subjected to mechanical stress.COATING COVER:100%
Electrophoretic painting
Electrophoretic painting covers with a uniform coating the whole surface, edges included, of any object, also with complex geometries. Dripping problems, possible with other painting methods, are NOT present. Die springs’ coating is complete and uniform.
Epoxy powder painting
Powder painting can NOT reach the die springs’ internal parts easily. Coating thickness is higher on the outside and lower or even absent on the inside of die springs. Die springs’ coating thickness is definitely NOT uniform.CORROSION RESISTANCE: HIGH
Electrophoretic painting
The presence of a cross-linked polyurethane chemical bond offers an excellent resistance to salt spray. This feature is enhanced through a uniform covering and thickness also of the inner surface of die springs.
Epoxy powder painting
While having inherent resistance and strength features thanks to their higher thickness, powder offer yet less protection to corrosion of the die spring as a whole because it can’t enter effectively internal part. Thus, less corrosion resistance due to the lower or even absent covering inside the die spring.MECHANICAL STRENGTH: 100%
Electrophoretic painting
Given the lower thickness, the electrophoretic coating is as a result much more elastic. Higher mechanical strength is guaranteed.